QuantumG Antimicrobial keeps the team at FoodBank.Digital safe
FoodBank.Digital was launched on 3 July 2021, and since then, the team behind has made 33,010 foodboxes possible. A total of 33,010 foodboxes were carefully
Kami bersama anda #ExabytesWeCare
Kita sedang menghadapi masa yang sukar, namun anda tidak bersendirian. Kita semua masih bersama dalam menghadapi situasi sukar ini, biar kami tahu untuk kami bantu.
Exabytes memulakan amalan FoodBank.Digital ini untuk mewujudkan sebuah komuniti yang boleh bekongsi pertolongan, saling menjaga dan saling menyokong sesama sendiri.
Adakah anda memerlukan bantuan keperluan harian untuk minggu dan bulan yang mendatang? Anda boleh menuntut bahagian anda di sini!
Ambil jika anda perlu ,
Kongsi jika anda SAYANG
Sokong jika anda mampu
#FoodBankDigital #DigitalUnited
Times are hard, you are not alone. It is not that you are not OK, but the fact is we are all in this together.
Exabytes initiated this FoodBank.Digital exercise to start a community chain of sharing help, giving care and supporting each other.
Would you like some daily essentials for the week or month to come? Head over here to claim your share!
Take if you need,
Share if you LOVE
Support if you can
#FoodBankDigital #DigitalUnited
Exabytes发起这项 FoodBank.Digital活动,是为了打造一个相互帮助、关心、支持的社区。
如果你需要日常必需品 不必担心,就告诉我们你需要多少吧!
#FoodBankDigital #DigitalUnited
Sejak pelancaran Foodbank.Digital pada 3 Julai 2021, kami mendapat sambutan yang amat menggalakkan untuk program ini. Kami dijangka akan menghantar 10,000 kotak makanan, namun pada 16 Julai 2021, 3:00 petang, bilangan permohonan bantuan yang diterima telah mencecah 51,583, iaitu 500% melebihi sasaran kami.
Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada semua pihak, dan kami akan menamatkan projek kami apabila kami telah menyelesaikan 30,000 penghantaran kami. Kami menganggarkan bahawa kami akan mencapai 30,000 permohonan yang diluluskan pada 16 Julai 2021.
Sekali lagi, Exabytes & FoodBank.Digital ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kakitangan dan sukarelawan kami kerana telah menghantar kotak makanan kepada 30,000 keluarga yang kini mampu tersenyum. Kami telah melepasi sasaran asal sebanyak 300%
Team kami akan teruskan untuk memproses permohonan yang telah dihantar pada 16 Julai 2021 sebelum 3 petang.
Bagi yang memerlukan bantuan makanan, sila lawati:
Since the launch of FoodBank.Digital on 3 July 2021, we’ve received an overwhelming response. We expected to send out 10,000 food boxes, but as of 16-Jul-2021, 3:00 pm, the number of requests we’ve received for food aids exceeded 51,583, which is 500% more than our initial expectation.
We’d like to express our sincere gratitude to all parties, and project FoodBank.Digital will end when we have completed 30,000 deliveries. We estimate to complete 30,000 approved applications by 16 Jul 2021.
Once again, Exabytes & FoodBank.Digital would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to our staff and volunteers for delivering foodboxes to 30,000 smiling families. We have exceeded our original target by 300%.
Our team will continue to process the applications that are sent in before 16 Jul 2021, 3.00 pm.
Gentle Reminders:
For those who need food aids, please visit:
自 FoodBank.Digital 于 2021 年 7 月 3 日创立以来,我们获得了热烈的反响。我们原先预计将发送 10,000 个食品盒,但截至 2021 年 7 月 16 日下午 3:00,我们收到的食品援助申请已经超过 51,583,比我们最初的预期高出 500%。
我们想借此机会对各位表示诚挚的感谢。FoodBank.Digital 将在完成 30,000 食品盒运送后结束。我们估计在 2021 年 7 月 16 日将完成 30,000 份食品申请。
Exabytes 和 FoodBank.Digital 想借此机会感谢我们的员工和志愿者为 30,000 个家庭运送食品盒。我们已经超出了我们最初目标的 300%。
FoodBank.Digital 将继续处理在 2021 年 7 月 16 日下午 3 点之前提交的申请。
Last Updated: 4th Sep 2021, 10:18 AM
Many are still in dire need of help. With your generous contribution, FoodBank.Digital will be able to continue to support more families in need and help them sail through this challenging time.
还有许多人仍急切需要帮助。有了您的慷慨捐助,FoodBank.Digital 将能够继续支持更多有需要的家庭,并帮助他们度过这个难关。
Masih ramai yang memerlukan bantuan. Dengan sumbangan anda, Foodbank.Digital akan dapat teruskan usaha bagi membantu lebih banyak keluarga yang memerlukan dan sama-sama membantu mereka mengharungi masa yang mencabar ini.
FoodBank.Digital was launched on 3 July 2021, and since then, the team behind has made 33,010 foodboxes possible. A total of 33,010 foodboxes were carefully
Bagaimana proses pelaksanaan di FoodBank.Digital? Apa yang berlaku selepas permohonan dihantar? Sejak pelancaran FoodBank.Digital pada 3 Julai 2021, kami telah menerima hampir 53,000 permohonan sehingga
If you have been following us closely for updates, FoodBank.Digital has to date (26 July 2021) shipped out more than 13,000 foodboxes to more than
Tens of thousands of families and children we have helped since the launch of FoodBank.Digital with more than 10,000 foodboxes successfully delivered around Malaysia, but,
One of the very first to say “YES!” in supporting the FoodBank.Digital initiative, Sunshine Online offered their help and support to supply items in a
One foodbox by FoodBank.Digital can feed a family for a week. With a cost of around RM60 per foodbox, we carefully select food items that